Mensaje de la Superindente

See Inglés translation

Dear Parents:

I understand that many of you know and are concerned about certain allegations that have emerged through the "Texas Education Agency" (The Texas Education Agency) against Public School Varnett.   To date, the school administration and I have maintained a public silence on this situation and we're not admitting any of the allegations of TEA.   We have been advised and we we have chosen to battle these claims in administrative and judicial and no court of public opinion pathways. 

To ensure that there is no confusion on this issue, let me strongly and unequivocally indicate that the school denies having done something wrong and we are eager to present the facts when we finally opportunity.

Unfortunately, I can not guarantee what the outcome, whether good or bad.   That decision is out of my control.   That said, if I can guarantee what they've always guaranteed:   the school and I are and will always be committed to putting the interests of their sons and daughters in the foreground.   We intend to fight these allegations made ​​against us, vigorously and passionately, while we seek to educate our students every day with every ounce of fiber of our being.   There we go anywhere in the near future.   On this you have my word.

I hope the substance and tone of my words will give to each of you some comfort and prática guide. I also mother being, recognize that our greatest responsibility is to provide our children the best education possible. I understand that each of you will make the best possible decision for them.

Speaking realistically, some of you will measure the benefits and burdens and act according to their feelings. However, please eduquence first on the facts and circumstances, and is not swayed by information second hand or what they read in newspapers. Please take into account their personal experiences with the school. Talk with your children, talk with teachers and please talk amongst yourselves. And if you want to know more, you can contact me, I will tell you everything that is within my reach. After all, the more informed you are, the better your decision.

Our school and our school famila has always strived to give our children, their children the best, whether the best education, the best environment or access to better opportunities. That has not changed and will not change. Again I reiterate my word, however it is my sincere wish that you continue to trust in me and in our school, which is more precious in this world, their sons and daughters. We have not failed, or will fail.

Thank You.

Dr.  M. Annette Cluff, Superintendent

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