Southwest second grader crowned Miss Texas Princess Cover Girl

Please join us in congratulating Southwest second-grader Camille Bishop, who has been crowned 2020 National American Miss Texas Princess Cover Girl. She was recently celebrated by staff, students and Dr. Margaret Stroud, Varnett's superintendent, in front of the administration building (See video).
The honor came courtesy of National American Miss, whose mission is to encourage America's future leaders and equip them with valuable life skills. "This young lady has been chosen to represent her state because of her accomplishments and community service," said a letter signed by the organization's national directors.
Next up: Camille compete for the national title in Orlando, Fla., during Thanksgiving week. The trip includes a special day at Disneyworld. Each girl who qualifies for the national pageant has a chance to win a new 2020 Ford Mustang Convertible. Since she is too young to drive, Camille can trade the Mustang for a cash prize if she wins.
"National American Miss is dedicated to developing the success of young women across our nation with a program that is age-appropriate and family-oriented," the letter states. Pageants are held in each state for girls ages four to 18 in five age divisions.
Ms. Calariell Johnson, Camille's mother, said her daughter's accomplishments included "donating school supplies and helping with a food drive at Green House International Church." 
Good job, Camille!
The Varnett family will be with you in spirit in Orlando!
Photo: Camille Bishop and her mother, Ms. Calariell Johnson, in front of The Varnett Public School's administration building.