From the desk of Nurse Allen

As we move forward in the new year of 2011, let's take the necessary precautions to keep our children healthy. Keep in mind that this is allergy season and I've noted information that I feel would be helpful.

Allergies or a Cold? Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell. The symptoms of allergies can be very similar to the symptoms of the common cold, but there are some important differences.

Both may cause nasal congestion, runny nose, post nasal drip and sneezing. Itching -- especially of the eyes, nose, and sometimes the ears and throat -- is a common feature of allergies, but is usually not present with a cold. Other symptoms, such as body aches, fever and sore throat, commonly occur with a cold; these symptoms are absent with allergies.

Allergy symptoms may last for as long as the trigger is present. For example, pollen allergies may last for an entire season and pet allergies last for the entire time the person is exposed to a particular animal. Cold symptoms usually last for a few days, and often resolve within a week.

Your physician may see different signs during a physical exam that help him or her determine if you have a cold or allergies. The mucous membranes inside the nose are most often swollen and pale in color with allergies; the color is often more of a bright red with a cold. Other signs of allergic diseases, such as eczema or wheezing, may suggest the presence of allergies in a person.

The only true way to determine if a person has allergies, however, is to perform allergy testing. Chronic nasal symptoms in the absence of positive allergy tests suggest the presence of non-allergic rhinitis.

--Nurse Karen Allen

Photo: East Campus nurse Anna Medina (left), discusses strategy with Southwest Campus nurse Karen Allen and Northeast Campus nurse Shelia Laughlin as they prepare for students' return from holiday recess.