From the desk of Nurse Allen

Welcome Back!!!

It is always a pleasure to take care of your children each year at The Varnett Public School. A healthy mind and a healthy body breed academic excellence. I am here to assist you and your child in staying healthy.

As the school nurse, I do not diagnose. I assess your child’s health and make recommendations based upon each individual. My door is always open to you to discuss any concerns that you may have.

It’s imperative that you maintain your child’s immunizations required by the state of Texas. If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, your child WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMAIN IN SCHOOL UNTIL IMMUNIZATIONS ARE CURRENT. For a complete list of required immunizations, please see your child’s doctor.

A Physician’s Request for Administration of Medication during School Hours form must be completed by the physician (not by the parent), signed by the parent and then returned to the school nurse before medication can be given to your child. As the school nurse, I cannot administer over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol, without a physician’s request. This form can be obtained from the nurse’s office. All medications must be prescribed by a physician and must be brought to school by an adult in its original labeled container. If your child has allergies, please have it documented in writing.

Food Allergies
If your child is allergic to certain foods, a doctor’s note is required by the cafeteria staff. A Special Dietary Request form can be obtained from the office or the school nurse for the doctor to specify what foods must be eliminated from your child’s cafeteria meal.

Head Lice
Hundreds of days are missed each school year because of head lice infestation. A child found to have eggs (nits) or lice must be excluded from school until treated with an effective pediculicide shampoo. Upon returning to school, parents must bring the child to the school nurse to recheck the student’s hair. The bed sheets, blankets, pillows, and the entire home environment should be treated as well. If you, the parent, find head lice in your child’s hair, please inform the school nurse as soon as possible. Follow up screening will be done in your child’s classroom. Lastly, teach your child not to share combs, brushes, hats or scarves with anyone.

Keep Your Children Home:

* When they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher. Students must be fever free without the use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours.
* If the student has vomiting or diarrhea, the child must be symptom free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
* When your child has a skin rash that has not been diagnosed by a doctor as being non–contagious I will need a medical release for the student to return to school.
* If your child has untreated inflamed/pink eyes, a doctor’s note is required to return to school. If inflammation is due to “allergies,” the doctor must document it.
* If your child has a medical condition that will spread from one person to the next (contagious), for example, the flu, strep throat, chicken pox, infectious pink eye, please make sure that you bring a doctor’s note for your child to return to school.

A healthy mind and a healthy body breed academic excellence!!
Thank you very much and have a healthy school year.
