Safe Return to School, 2021-2022 » Adjustment to Instruction

Adjustment to Instruction

The first four weeks of learning will be provided through remote instruction. We will continually evaluate the situation to determine if students will report for face to face instruction beginning October 5, 2020. If we start face-to-face instruction on October 5, students will receive a class schedule. Students scheduled for remote learning will also receive a schedule. The target goal is to have all students receive face-to-face instruction five days per week during the spring semester of 2020-2021. Even though this is our goal, the challenges presented by the everchanging virus may require a shift in the plan.
Students enrolled in The Varnett Public School will have the opportunity to attend school and receive instruction via face-to-face format five days per week for all grade levels during the 2020-2021 school year. While we are committed to providing face-to-face instruction for all parents who want them, we may be restricted based on space availability while safely social distancing. For parents who choose to do so, we will have available a blended instructional platform that involves in-person instruction as well as the use of Google Classroom for specific instructional areas. The third option for parents is complete remote instruction for those who are not comfortable with face to face instruction. Several operational considerations have been identified to prevent and mitigate the viral spread inside the school setting during face-to-face instruction.
In preparation for the 2020-2021 school year, The Varnett Public School will also provide instruction via remote learning. Final decisions for offering remote instruction will be made based on the number of students who enroll.
Remote instruction will be offered through a Remote Synchronous Instruction model and a Remote Asynchronous Instruction model. As stated in Texas Education Code (TEC), §25.092, students must attend 90% of the days a course is offered (with some exceptions) to be awarded credit for the course and/or to be promoted to the next grade. This requirement remains in force during the 2020-21 school year. Given the public health situation, student attendance may be earned through the delivery of virtual instruction.
REMOTE SYNCHRONOUS INSTRUCTION - Two-way, real-time/live, virtual instruction between teachers and students when students are not on campus through the computer or other electronic device. A minimum number of daily minutes are required: • Grades 3-5 - 180 instructional minutes • Grades 6-8- 240 instructional minutes.
REMOTE ASYNCHRONOUS INSTRUCTION - Students engage in learning materials on their own time, interacting intermittently with the teacher via computer or other electronic devices based on the belief that all students at all grade levels (PK-8) need direct instruction and synchronous support from teachers. Varnett will provide remote instruction using the following model:
Grades PK – 2
Remote Synchronous Instruction and Remote Asynchronous Instruction
* Grades 3-5
Remote Synchronous Instruction and Remote Asynchronous Instruction • Grades 6-8 Remote Synchronous Instruction (core content courses), Remote Asynchronous Instruction (designated elective courses)
• Grades 6-8
Remote Synchronous Instruction (core content courses), Remote Asynchronous Instruction (designated elective courses)
Remote instruction in the 2020-2021 school year in The Varnett Public School will look vastly different from virtual instruction during the Spring semester closure. Students must have access to the following: Broadband internet access, laptop, or desktop computer for use a minimum of 4 hours each school day (Monday-Friday). If students do not have a laptop or internet access, the school district will assist parents and students in acquiring those tools. Once enrolled in virtual learning, the following requirements must be met:
• The student must participate in all required coursework and virtual lessons during regular school hours.
• The student will participate in all tutoring sessions required by the teachers.
If it becomes necessary for a complete school closure during the 2020-2021 year, Varnett will move to Asynchronous and Synchronous Remote learning for all students.